The Facebook app does not allow much room for the tabs that are visible on the computer interface. But there are a couple of ways you can encourage people to search for homes through your Business Page. Detailed instructions for most of these are available in our “Best Practices” document for IDX. (Link here or contact [email protected])

  1. You can set up the “Call to Action” button under your cover photo to be a “Use App” feature that takes people to your HomeASAP website.
  2. HomeASAP provides “promotional” posts a few times a month for the IDX HomeSearch Service. You can “Pin” one of these posts to the top of your feed so it is always accessible to someone who visits your page
  3. You can create posts and ads with a link to your HomeASAP url. Remind people to “log in” when prompted while they search so they can save information about their search (and you get an “Identified” lead!)

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